Even if the Japanese yen interest rate reaches 0.5% and the U.S. interest rate reaches 3.5%, there is still a 3% interest rate difference between the two, so it is not enough to completely reverse carry trades. Therefore, it is anticipated that temporary yen strength and dollar weakness will occur, but this is expected to be limited. Even if the interest rate difference between the two disappears in the future, it is expected to happen quite far in the future, and if that were to counteract the dollar's strength direction based on the relative interest rate difference, I feel that it is risky to significantly shift asset positions from dollar assets to yen assets in the short term.
fujikenner : That's a great discussion
さとこじ OP fujikenner : Thanks for commenting!
麦マル : Great reflection
ウーロンマスク神 : I agree. I am a soroban.
さとこじ OP ウーロンマスク神 : Thanks for commenting. I like thinking, and my intuition is really dull, so on the contrary, I think people who can move with an abacus are amazing lol
さとこじ OP 麦マル : Thanks for commenting. The feeling of heating up until MSTR reached the highest value of 540 has settled down quite a bit, so considering that there is a possibility that Bitcoin will be adopted as an American reserve, long-term hold is also dominant as an option if actual Bitcoin is to be avoided. There is a part where the investment destination field is also relatively open, so I would be happy if we could discuss it, so thank you for your continued support!
麦マル : This is it
超長期投資家 : Can interest rates be raised even in such economic conditions?
さとこじ OP 超長期投資家 : Thanks for commenting.
LIZ_REI : I have a question, are you conducting technical analysis?
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