that's exactly right companies routinely use the secondary Market to sell stock raise cash when their stock is pumped up they take advantage of opportunities that they can't create on their own because they're fundamentals really don't deserve the prices that the stocks get inflated to
WALLSTREETBAGS : Candleman crying right now
PleasegoUpp : company just made money by selling all there shares
GoldEraKid : EXACTLY! a nice pump to load up after the drop!
10baggerbamm PleasegoUpp : that's exactly right companies routinely use the secondary Market to sell stock raise cash when their stock is pumped up they take advantage of opportunities that they can't create on their own because they're fundamentals really don't deserve the prices that the stocks get inflated to
Dan’l : Fifteen down, and counting: just bought pre-market, buUut: the squeeze is over.
SoOo: I’m back to being a long term investor in $Archer Aviation (ACHR.US)$ rather than a swing trader of it ~;-)
72571364 Dan’l : your back to bag holding you mean
Dan’l 72571364 : Nope… already filled, albeit it with even more $Archer Aviation (ACHR.US)$ (but at today’s discount, which may ultimately get cheaper still ~;-)