Simon 5183
Without buying and selling, there is no real profit or loss. Trading short-term will sooner or later result in losing even your underwear.
i'm noob as well, i just saw someone saying in the comment to not fall for the short trap and i took that advice and held off since i been getting trap few times as well with me losing few thousands with the trap and it worked out
today went up to 32. damn lost so much after I in out twice just now. average cost 24 become 30. f me. lost 10% stock quantities as well. f x 2.
105517960 : We are the same. I sell at 26 this morning! GOT SCARED
104015100 : lol omg same as me, 26.05 for me. now dont dare buy back yet
Repress3d : hahahahaha halps me too T.T
VCasts : dont get scared, i got scared too and almost sold with being down 8-9k, good thing i held off and it worked out
buydropsellup OP VCasts : lucky you. got scared second time. sold again at 27.81 after buying back at 29. money fly just like that. too noob.
Leonardyyyyy : I only trade during the regular trading time instead of post and pre, the price is not reliable
Simon 5183 : Without buying and selling, there is no real profit or loss. Trading short-term will sooner or later result in losing even your underwear.
VCasts buydropsellup OP : i'm noob as well, i just saw someone saying in the comment to not fall for the short trap and i took that advice and held off since i been getting trap few times as well with me losing few thousands with the trap and it worked out
buydropsellup OP VCasts : today went up to 32. damn lost so much after I in out twice just now. average cost 24 become 30. f me. lost 10% stock quantities as well. f x 2.