Good Looking Ba : The shorties will regret as when the report is out.. next day jumped $888
卡波猫 Good Looking Ba : Idk what u smoking but just ppl who short already profit and ran already
Good Looking Ba 卡波猫 : That’s one way but the other way is to wait for potential higher returns. Cheers
卡波猫 Good Looking Ba : I get it, you never short before, shorties buy 130-131 and hope it will drop instead, now they already profitted
Good Looking Ba : The shorties will regret as when the report is out.. next day jumped $888
卡波猫 Good Looking Ba : Idk what u smoking but just ppl who short already profit and ran already
Good Looking Ba 卡波猫 : That’s one way but the other way is to wait for potential higher returns. Cheers
卡波猫 Good Looking Ba : I get it, you never short before, shorties buy 130-131 and hope it will drop instead, now they already profitted