74684776 : When do you get in?
Jazz Dancer OP 74684776 : I'm holding many shares and won't buy more. just waiting for it to rise a bit, then sell them all
1032105461 : What your avg cost?
Jazz Dancer OP 1032105461 : 1.88 for average cost. last time it suddenly rise to 1.99, but moomoo did not let sell at the price saying it deviated too much. I recorded it and did the screenshot and posted it here before.
Xyno : This company is the trash of Wall Street. YT is a convicted fraud and has a lifetime ban on the China securities market.
74684776 : When do you get in?
Jazz Dancer OP 74684776 : I'm holding many shares and won't buy more. just waiting for it to rise a bit, then sell them all
1032105461 : What your avg cost?
Jazz Dancer OP 1032105461 : 1.88 for average cost. last time it suddenly rise to 1.99, but moomoo did not let sell at the price saying it deviated too much. I recorded it and did the screenshot and posted it here before.
Xyno : This company is the trash of Wall Street. YT is a convicted fraud and has a lifetime ban on the China securities market.