FFIE's Board will determine the final ratio for the reverse stock split after shareholder approval and may choose not to proceed if market conditions change.
Download the Faraday Future app on your iPhone then you will know their earnings is July tent and August 15 and they’re compliance is August 30 if we stay above a dollar for 10 trading days we’re having a shareholder meeting and a vote. They don’t just do the split.
And yeah, you should listen to me. I’ve been a day trader for five years and I’m in my 70s now. Peace out. Do not tell. Lies if you don’t know.
Surf Bento : It’s tomorrow I think.
. If you want more info it’s in the news / announcements
Rollercoaster05 : FFIE's Board will determine the final ratio for the reverse stock split after shareholder approval and may choose not to proceed if market conditions change.
70721249 : Don’t listen to that guy it is not tomorrow
Surf Bento 70721249 : Ok then should we listen to you.???
70721249 : Download the Faraday Future app on your iPhone then you will know their earnings is July tent and August 15 and they’re compliance is August 30 if we stay above a dollar for 10 trading days we’re having a shareholder meeting and a vote. They don’t just do the split.
70721249 : And yeah, you should listen to me. I’ve been a day trader for five years and I’m in my 70s now. Peace out. Do not tell. Lies if you don’t know.
70721249 : And also respect your elders, they know more than youngsters