101890177 : wait it up again and sell it
少年痴呆 OP 101890177 : I don't know how this happened. The company can clearly do it, but the stock price is just like a pile of poop.
天空蓝蓝 : I went 1.11 on the day it went public Up to now
少年痴呆 OP 天空蓝蓝 : I am at 1.18
101890177 : wait it up again and sell it
少年痴呆 OP 101890177 : I don't know how this happened. The company can clearly do it, but the stock price is just like a pile of poop.
天空蓝蓝 : I went 1.11 on the day it went public
Up to now
少年痴呆 OP 天空蓝蓝 : I am at 1.18