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2024 half-year recap: Tell us your trading story
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First half of 2024: From free Apple stocks to lunch money speculation.

February 2024: Free Apple stocks.
At the end of February 2024, Moomoo officially launched its investment platform in Malaysia, and I registered with Moomoo and deposited RM8,000. As a welcome gift for new users, I received a share of Apple stocks. After careful consideration, I decided to hold on to this unexpected windfall for now. On the one hand, it was obtained for free, without any cost pressure. On the other hand, Apple, as a global technology giant, has a strong brand influence and a solid financial performance. I believe that holding it for the long term will be more valuable.
Testing the waters in the Malaysian stock market, pocketing some lunch money.
As a Malaysian investor, I am more familiar with the Malaysian stock market, so I have invested in the Malaysian stock market in the hope of making some pocket money through small investments. I adopt a short-term trading strategy and have bought SUNREIT and CDB, both of which have made a profit. Although the profit is not substantial, it is still a small victory. Currently, I have bought PBBANK at a price of RM4.01, hoping it will become a potential stock for the second half of the year, adding a bright spot to my investment portfolio.
Outlook for the second half of the year: Looking forward to Moomoo's deposit reward and increasing investment.
Looking ahead to the second half of the year, I will continue to focus on the Moomoo platform. I hope that in July, they will introduce more attractive deposit rewards to attract the transfer of investment funds from other platforms. After all, generous reward policies are undoubtedly a huge attraction for investors. In addition, I will also focus on Malaysian growth stocks and dividend stocks. Growth stocks have high growth potential, which can bring long-term returns to the investment portfolio. Dividend stocks, on the other hand, can provide stable dividend income, helping investors to mitigate market risks.
First half of 2024: From free Apple stocks to lunch money speculation.
First half of 2024: From free Apple stocks to lunch money speculation.
First half of 2024: From free Apple stocks to lunch money speculation.
First half of 2024: From free Apple stocks to lunch money speculation.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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