OPSup bhuh
yeah but that wouldn't be fair because some people use more electricity than others and that sounds like a socialized company not one that's in it for profits and I think that the company that's making this well you would want to maximize your profits wouldn't you I mean if you ran a publicly traded company like this you would want to make sure your financials look as great as possible wouldn't you
Sup bhuh : would NVDA use it in-house?
10baggerbamm OP Sup bhuh : you probably should buy stock in the company
Sup bhuh : I sold it Friday after taking some profit
Sup bhuh :
Might have to get back in Lol
Sup bhuh : I feel like I keep selling stuff bit too early, That saved me well in the past but not Friday
Sup bhuh : I need to learn more on my entry and exits.

10baggerbamm OP Sup bhuh : can you imagine no more electric bill , it powers your whole house.. that's amazing.. they didn't say what it would cost.
Sup bhuh : I feel like they would set price baaed on avg electric bill for 5yrs
Sup bhuh : So ppl would buy thinking they save 50% for 10yrs
10baggerbamm OP Sup bhuh : yeah but that wouldn't be fair because some people use more electricity than others and that sounds like a socialized company not one that's in it for profits and I think that the company that's making this well you would want to maximize your profits wouldn't you I mean if you ran a publicly traded company like this you would want to make sure your financials look as great as possible wouldn't you
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