somewhere along december I decided the market was getting too greedy so I decided to exit some positions and take out my initial capital of 6k and some profits, thanks to AI (or do i really thank Alex Karp & Elon Musk?) I got myself my first ever luxury item in the form of a rolex! (I could only get a datejust but its still a win right!)
Nishiva : Good job
Zac Petersen : Well done, well deserved
102231410 : Wow congrats
宇宙合一 : Learning from you, is RSP when it falls again, or is it a fixed time?
152402959 : Wishing you prosperity
彭老爺 : Positive attitudeWorth learning
103651476 : my first year very bad
Dan’l : The past two years were unusually strong, and you’ve realized good gains, overcoming the initial challenges that keep many from even getting started.
98TraderJ OP Dan’l : thanks for this insightful sharing! I still have lots to learn.
Dan’l 98TraderJ OP : We all still have lots to learn, and no matter how long we keep doing this?
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