-- 110.570 AVGO
-- 179.450 TSLA
-- 263.450 PLTR
-- 80.460 MRVL
Marvell Technology
-- 72.280 Quantitative tightening (QT) is an instrument of monetary policy. An abbreviation that takes the acronym “Intensive Tightening” in English. The balance sheet is gradually reduced by selling assets held by the central bank, such as government bonds, etc., or by stopping reinvestment of bonds that have reached maturity and making them redeemed. Money will be withdrawn from the market to curb economic overheating and excessive inflation.
181537335 : Is it Powell again

181537335 : Please retire as soon as possible with President Kishida.
西野カナかな : I understand the reason for today's decline in US debt.
If you discount this point, it seems like they are thinking about inducing interest rate increases or extending interest rate cuts.
The point of concern was whether the current economy really had no problems, and I felt that if the actual economy was weak, it was important to cut interest rates urgently or induce government bonds to the 3% range.