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[FOMC statement]

“Recent indicators show that economic activity continues to expand at a steady pace.”
“Employment growth has been slow, and the unemployment rate is rising but still low.”
“The inflation rate has eased over the past year, but it is still at a slightly high level.”
“Over the past few months, there has been gradual further progress towards the Commission's 2% inflation target.”
“The Commission aims to maximize employment and achieve a 2 percent inflation rate over the long term”
“The committee determines that the balance between employment and risk to achieving inflation targets has improved over the past year.”
“The economic outlook is uncertain, and the Commission is watching the risks to both sides of the two responsibilities very closely.”
“In order to support the target, the committee decided to maintain the target induction range for FF interest rates at 5.25-5.50%.”
“In considering all adjustments to the target induction range of FF interest rates, the committee will carefully evaluate the balance of data, changing prospects, and risk brought in the future.”
“The Committee does not anticipate that a reduction in the target induction range will be appropriate until there is further confidence that the inflation rate will continue to move towards 2%.”
“Additionally, the Commission will continue to reduce its holdings of US bonds and agency loan-backed securities.”
“The Commission is strongly committed to returning the inflation rate to the 2% target”
“In evaluating the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the meaning of information on the economic outlook that will be brought in the future.”
“If there is a risk that could hinder the achievement of the Commission's goals, the Committee is prepared to adjust its monetary policy stance as appropriate.”
“The committee's assessment takes into account a wide range of information, including labor market conditions, inflationary pressures, inflation expectations, and financial and global trends.”
“The current monetary policy decision is unanimous”
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