The Price to Book ratio of XTIA is 64.84 which indicates the market values XTIA 65 times its book value which suggests investor optimism about company’s prospects. Since its ina development stage without much tangible assets, investors value it based on IP, patents, or anticipated future earnings. Since its in development stage, traditional valuation metrics like P/E, P/S etc may not capture the company’s potential.
74234262 : Imo too I think people panicked post market too.
74346512 : I didn’t agree its not beneficial anymore so please just move from it otherwise you guys will burn more
Jaguar8 OP 74346512 : I am giving factual information. It’s each trader’s decision to buy or sell, not yours or mine
neyneypok Jaguar8 OP : we all know that most stocks will continue to tank post RS. I would feel it's safer to enter a couple of weeks after post RS.
Jaguar8 OP neyneypok : Yes. Almost always stock plummets post RS UNLESS they have a good PR same day as RS. You can play it thru RS if you have good cost position
74346512 : i have past experiences with ffie too i m just sharing my experiences my 100 k came to 100 dollars in days so just want to help you guys reverse split is not good
74346512 : Even today i loose 20 k
Jaguar8 OP 74346512 : You only have to play it wisely. Holding shares into RS will almost always make you lose money. Momentum play is different
Mangkawat : IP meaning?
Jaguar8 OP Mangkawat : Intellectual property
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