If you know what’s going on, we’re heading towards something called the Mother of All Short Squeeze (MOASS) where all the HF shorters have to pay back on their borrowed shares. Keep buying and HODLing, it’s not too late. There will be red days, don’t sell our of fear, there will be small green days, don’t sell out of smal greed.
70125061 : Even entering at 100 would make profit 🫡
StonkHunter : It'll look like NVIDIA before you know it
Michael Sword : my target price is just
Sailang Kitty OP Michael Sword : Yes, play the long game and wait for MOASS, don’t be a swing trader. We’ve been oppressed for so long. We no longer have to trade at each other’s expenses, it’s the evil HFs money we’re getting.
273794940202 : small shorts are trying so hard
StonkHunter Michael Sword : I'll sell after the news reports Kenny jumped