Adam happy investors : al3 still undervalue for fundamental, compared to dronesheild PE ration 100.50 is overvalue .
151820638 : DRO is a profitable company, while AL3 is still a heavily loss-making company. These two companies still have different fundamentals.
151820638 : For the stock price to rise, the company's performance must improve quarter by quarter until the company becomes profitable
151820638 : Without the support of good performance, it is difficult to support a good stock price in the long term with just one or two good contracts.
Adam happy investors : agree.
Adam happy investors : al3 still undervalue for fundamental, compared to dronesheild PE ration 100.50 is overvalue .
151820638 : DRO is a profitable company, while AL3 is still a heavily loss-making company. These two companies still have different fundamentals.
151820638 : For the stock price to rise, the company's performance must improve quarter by quarter until the company becomes profitable
151820638 : Without the support of good performance, it is difficult to support a good stock price in the long term with just one or two good contracts.
Adam happy investors : agree.