Based on Morgan Stanley's research this month, "infrastructure poised for next wave of valuation appreciation". The Wall Street brokerage further explains that significant investment opportunities will emerge in the data center infrastructure sector for the foreseeable future, as GPUs are encompassed by a vast array of data center infrastructure ranging from real estate to servers, networking, power, cooling, and data storage.
FIRE Keith : One of those might be the next stars
FrederickHqz : Intel is the next one riding the wave
Bill Phillips : So they defined the broad spectrum of where they might think the next big move will be. But what companies seem to be poised to take advantage of the market share and make a profit. Does anybody know Or have suggestions?
Nickhill : A good article
103669397 : ok
Tan Chin Seng klang 103669397 :
独股求败 : good
73828760 FrederickHqz : Patience
Malik ritduan : ok
102209803 : The hidden, unknown & black horse, (nexcf). Imo could be the next riding the wave of ai. Invest with DD
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