China is a sinkhole in financial market nowadays, Xi will orchestra a more "robust" China economy by putting more QE in coming weeks. STI needs our own stimulus to hold off or else fund outflow would be significant by end of this year I reckon.
搞经济 抄底 加仓
no matter Policy doesn't takes one (threatened national security) word from the US. Loll .. and all will be gone with the wind. now is okay but once it's economy rised above US. hahaha
sentosa island : What fund to buy
搞经济 抄底 加仓 OP sentosa island : Support domestic products. Haha
103515285 : China is a sinkhole in financial market nowadays, Xi will orchestra a more "robust" China economy by putting more QE in coming weeks. STI needs our own stimulus to hold off or else fund outflow would be significant by end of this year I reckon.
The_Noob_Newbie : HK CN stocks are very dependent on the government policies… scary
搞经济 抄底 加仓 OP The_Noob_Newbie : no matter Policy doesn't takes one (threatened national security) word from the US. Loll .. and all will be gone with the wind. now is okay but once it's economy rised above US. hahaha