Wolf of WaLL Stt
The Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF) is volatile, and its net asset value may suddenly drop significantly due to overall market factors, portfolio characteristics, and fund management factors, thereby affecting its value and returns.
Money market funds are less volatile than other funds as the risk of the underlying assets is lower. NAV going negative doesn’t happen very often but the yield will drop if interest rates come down. If you don’t need a T+0 turnaround time, $Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ has a longer track record and higher yield.
Wolf of WaLL Stt : The Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF) is volatile, and its net asset value may suddenly drop significantly due to overall market factors, portfolio characteristics, and fund management factors, thereby affecting its value and returns.
Dadacai : Money market funds are less volatile than other funds as the risk of the underlying assets is lower. NAV going negative doesn’t happen very often but the yield will drop if interest rates come down. If you don’t need a T+0 turnaround time, $Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ has a longer track record and higher yield.