I noticed it too, but actually there’s a small message when you clicked into the fund, said that it will show on what date will reflect the PL.
ok found the small print. so for now subscribers pls look for small print that says it will be reflected next business day (which can be a few days away depending on when you subscribed and what day of the week it is)
Summmmmm : I noticed it too, but actually there’s a small message when you clicked into the fund, said that it will show on what date will reflect the PL.
Dadacai : NAV is not calculated on weekends, PH and fund closed dates. Cash Plus - a possible vehicle to park your idle funds
103138869 OP : ok found the small print. so for now subscribers pls look for small print that says it will be reflected next business day (which can be a few days away depending on when you subscribed and what day of the week it is)