Any withdrawal from your moomoo account after 10pm on 1 Feb will affect your net deposit amount. You must deposit and maintain your net deposit amount at the required level to get the 6.8%. If you have enough extra cash to deposit, you can take part in the 6.8% promotion (how much subscription do you have in the fund right now?)
peejky : 5.8% capped 80k is better than 6.8% capped 60k. you should be grateful you were on the earlier promo
Dadacai : Any withdrawal from your moomoo account after 10pm on 1 Feb will affect your net deposit amount. You must deposit and maintain your net deposit amount at the required level to get the 6.8%. If you have enough extra cash to deposit, you can take part in the 6.8% promotion (how much subscription do you have in the fund right now?)