Every coupon is 2 SGD. The description is the name of the promotion, not the value of each coupon. Moomoo SG Exclusive Benefits for Selected Clients-moomoo Help Center After the coupon is used, you can go to Accounts > All Functions > Funds Details to see the cash credited after 1-3 working days. Usually it takes 1 working day.
Moomoo Buddy
Dear client, thank you for your waiting, this promotion is that once you deposit 200 SGD in your account for 10 days and at least do one trading in your account, you will receive 2 SGD cash coupon daily for over 10 days, 20 SGD in total, you can check the link below for more details, thank you for your support: Moomoo SG Exclusive Benefits for Selected Clients-moomoo Help Center
Moomoo Lily : Hi, @Moomoo Buddy Please assist. Thanks!
芸菲 : 2 yuan a day for 10 days
芸菲 Moomoo Lily : It has nothing to do with the number of posts, I don't understand why it's posted so many times
芸菲 : It can be understood that there is a reward of 200 yuan on the account for 10 consecutive days and 2 yuan per day within these 10 days
Dadacai : Every coupon is 2 SGD. The description is the name of the promotion, not the value of each coupon. Moomoo SG Exclusive Benefits for Selected Clients-moomoo Help Center After the coupon is used, you can go to Accounts > All Functions > Funds Details to see the cash credited after 1-3 working days. Usually it takes 1 working day.
Leo_Leo123 OP : Thanks all
As per @dadacai mention I checked and it seems like 2$ credited each out of 20$.
Thanks again
Moomoo Buddy : Dear client, thank you for your waiting, this promotion is that once you deposit 200 SGD in your account for 10 days and at least do one trading in your account, you will receive 2 SGD cash coupon daily for over 10 days, 20 SGD in total, you can check the link below for more details, thank you for your support: Moomoo SG Exclusive Benefits for Selected Clients-moomoo Help Center