This is the reason why stock are call speculation... The value of the company is not always reflected on the value of stock. But it will be a good guide to tell you the stock is over value and will bear run or under value and bull run soon...
Handsome Hong : Everything is good finance is good but the stock price still gg
101748546 : This is the reason why stock are call speculation... The value of the company is not always reflected on the value of stock. But it will be a good guide to tell you the stock is over value and will bear run or under value and bull run soon...
101748546 Handsome Hong : And a company without debt is not a good indication. It means the company is not investing and the return will be poor...
Good Debt = possibility of higher return
No debt = under investment = normal returns only from own business.
Bad debt need not explain much...
73164439 : y6 t TY 6yy6667yyy76 t 6yy86677u77776 I IIRC busy I t Hu u<u
you uniquely 86zy8y8yyuy7yy5676787776666yy8uuy98y778yy8yuy8yy88yu_yu_yd_xx'ÿ7
burke5 : Google can't even translate this $h!+