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FX small story (dollar yen)

You went through the microwave in an instant last night.
When I was trading while taking profit every so often, it ended up slurping from where I last ordered, and now I have unrealized losses (I wonder if this has friends? 😅).
Well, if it goes up this much, it's unavoidable that full-scale profit gains will come out (the same goes for long-term interest rates).
To be honest, it doesn't matter if the yen appreciates or weakens in the future, but there is one reason I wanted to get along with unrealized losses a little more this time.
That is the daily MACD.
If you like technology, you probably know that the MACD crosses at a position away from the zero line, the higher its reliability.
So I looked it up the distance from the zero line of the MACD line this time.
The maximum value was -3.35, which was set on 8/7.
Going back in time, this was the first time since 2000 that the MACD line exceeded -3 (sorry if I overlooked it because it was done by hand).
However, since the trading environment and participants are completely different between 2000 and the present, no accurate comparison is possible, but it can be said that there is no doubt about the size of the distance from the zero line of the MACD this time.
However, even though the range has been broken, the current situation is that half price has returned, and the Kanda ceiling and the 200-day moving average generally overlap, we have not reached the 151.400-151.800 yen area at all, so the discussion about “whether the yen is strong or the yen is weak” has arrived at that point.
It's been a long time, but FX was a small story (dollar yen).
FX small story (dollar yen)
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割安株探しに精を出す🤖 FXもやりますよ〜😙