与股共存 : ???
loozoo OP 与股共存 : price already moved up. but FXI no go up. so this ETF is not syncing properly
富贵逼人来 loozoo OP : What is the price now?
是个小马楼 : U can buy the 500k order then the price will go up, thanks me later
与股共存 是个小马楼 : 哈哈哈哈
loozoo OP 是个小马楼 : so FXI is now following YINN instead of other way round loll
与股共存 : ???
loozoo OP 与股共存 : price already moved up. but FXI no go up. so this ETF is not syncing properly
富贵逼人来 loozoo OP : What is the price now?
是个小马楼 : U can buy the 500k order then the price will go up, thanks me later
与股共存 是个小马楼 : 哈哈哈哈
loozoo OP 是个小马楼 : so FXI is now following YINN instead of other way round loll