104790679 : wtf u guys waiting for man. This is very very fierce!!! Gogogogogo
AffinityLiving : He means to short it instead of buy more red headband for a reason
104790679 : He means to short you probably
Clownfish Art : OMG!! you guys it obviously means he's going to play tennis on his Nintendo Wii. For crying out loud get it together!
Laine Ford : yes I will buy
104790679 : wtf u guys waiting for man. This is very very fierce!!! Gogogogogo
AffinityLiving : He means to short it instead of buy more
red headband for a reason
104790679 : He means to short you probably
Clownfish Art : OMG!! you guys it obviously means he's going to play tennis on his Nintendo Wii. For crying out loud get it together!
Laine Ford : yes I will buy