Hello, I didn't expect that. After all the hype, I expected a different result. The day is young and we'll see if anything changes. It's interesting to see how all the tricks are used on the stock market. In summary, you can say... great entertainment with lots of excitement. Almost like a good movie. And here again... the announcement of the day. Wall Street knows your expectations…HaHaHa
JC88 : Back in 2021 the price went over 10x in just a week… These days people are just weak and less risk tolerance.
F HALE JC88 : but with the naked shorts and big hedge funds, they only have to wait till they see we put 10 million back into the company they push a button ,and take every penny ,they have nothing to lose ,how do you win
The Doctor OP : Hello…..Thanks for your comment. The trend is your friend. Let’s wait and see what happens on Monday. At the moment, anything is possible.
JC88 F HALE : Did you not keep track of the news? Citron back off, and you probably didnt know the reason. Omg i am not your research assistant.