Yi02 : what is wallstreetbets lol
Baba Boya Yi02 : You got a lot of learn
Yi02 Baba Boya : don't reply if you don't know the answer
Baba Boya Yi02 : Nice try.. go find out the answer now
Yi02 Baba Boya : try what? I literally succeeded in saying what I wanted to say
Baba Boya Yi02 : Keep telling yourself that buddy
Yi02 Baba Boya : I'm telling you... why would I tell you to tell myself?
Kinni420 Yi02 : It's a hangout place for all the Wall Street gamblers :) They are on Reddit. search for them there . Also have free Discord channels.
Yi02 : what is wallstreetbets lol
Baba Boya Yi02 : You got a lot of learn
Yi02 Baba Boya : don't reply if you don't know the answer
Baba Boya Yi02 : Nice try.. go find out the answer now

Yi02 Baba Boya : try what? I literally succeeded in saying what I wanted to say
Baba Boya Yi02 :
Keep telling yourself that buddy
Yi02 Baba Boya : I'm telling you... why would I tell you to tell myself?
Kinni420 Yi02 : It's a hangout place for all the Wall Street gamblers :) They are on Reddit. search for them there . Also have free Discord channels.