if you want to buy on dip, it's a good place to buy because you got the lowest price. When the MACD starts to turn green, the price already rise. But if you want to wait for confirmation, just wait for the green candle and green MACD
Dato Malek : Good analysis.

103926062 : Macd doesn't looks good. Does it matter?
azizakmal OP 103926062 : if you want to buy on dip, it's a good place to buy because you got the lowest price. When the MACD starts to turn green, the price already rise. But if you want to wait for confirmation, just wait for the green candle and green MACD
102389276 : Is that mainly judged by MACD charts?
azizakmal OP 102389276 : I don't use MACD as main indicator. All indicators are lagging
甜酸草莓 azizakmal OP : Please tell me which signal is the best buying point, excluding those other than MACD
azizakmal OP 甜酸草莓 : ema20 or ema50 or use Fibonacci retracement
甜酸草莓 azizakmal OP : Moomoo have Fibonacci function ?
azizakmal OP 甜酸草莓 : yes