Dirt Diggler : We got suckered and faked out. That's what happened.
Buckrogers OP : U think just take my crazy loss and get out?
standalee31 Buckrogers OP : idk why they're okay with selling it so low .-.
Dirt Diggler : I'm going to stick around to see if I can recover back to .28 and if not see if tomorrow morning will give that push.
Dirt Diggler : We got suckered and faked out. That's what happened.
Buckrogers OP : U think just take my crazy loss and get out?
standalee31 Buckrogers OP : idk why they're okay with selling it so low .-.
Dirt Diggler : I'm going to stick around to see if I can recover back to .28 and if not see if tomorrow morning will give that push.