exactly because it gives shorts the ability to cover and not buying the open market. and the company could sell 50 million more shares today or Monday or Tuesday they got plenty of shit to sell. everybody was talking though wait till he exercises his options on Friday number one he doesn't have the cash in his account to do it he can do it the current price about $6 million shares he'd have to sell 6 million contracts that are in the money in order to have good funds in the account Monday to cover the exercise of the options number one number two there's not going to be a gamma squeeze cuz you got 75 million shares right now available to a hedge fund that was short that can cover his option I hope people see this the smart money is in control and it ain't retail investors right now.
Rusty Shackleford 1
Just because they have the option to doesn't mean they will, also if they do the stock price will still go up when the shorts have to buy the shares back all at the exact same time
Rusty Shackleford 1
I don't think you get it if one institution is responsible for 80% of the shorts then they were the ones that bought this stock which limits their losses so they don't need to buy in the open market you don't get it they just bought stock from the company it's class a common stock it's free trading stock they own it they just covered their short that way they don't need to go into the open market the company deluded shareholders and eliminated a gamma squeeze it will never happen but the concept the idea that it was going to happen this time when short interest was nowhere is near what it was 3 years ago this puts the nail in the coffin it will not happen guaranteed because if this stock were to go to $100 the company would sell another $50 million or 100 million shares so they are completely aligned with institutional hedge funds right now the company is Ryan Cohen is he's basically fucking every retail investor right now by doing what he did
Rusty Shackleford 1
it was sold at 46 last night. so let's suppose you were one or two or three or four hedge funds whoever it was that you were at risk you know you were down significantly because of the movement against you of your short position you know about his options you know the impact of what could happen with the massive buys that would take place at 4:00 today close for options to be exercised you buy this at 46 you've covered the ability to deliver stock you've covered your shorts and you've covered roaring kitties exercise of 12 million shares even though he doesn't have the money let's suppose he's got it somebody's backing him it's all been taken care of it's all mapped out so right now these hedge funds have limited all losses are preventing any squeeze in coordination with Ryan Cohen by offering stock so retail the little guy will get fucked at the end of the day I hope this pushes to 100 at noon cuz I'm buying puts I hope it goes to 150 at noon because I'm buying a lot of fucking puts
10baggerbamm : exactly because it gives shorts the ability to cover and not buying the open market. and the company could sell 50 million more shares today or Monday or Tuesday they got plenty of shit to sell. everybody was talking though wait till he exercises his options on Friday number one he doesn't have the cash in his account to do it he can do it the current price about $6 million shares he'd have to sell 6 million contracts that are in the money in order to have good funds in the account Monday to cover the exercise of the options number one number two there's not going to be a gamma squeeze cuz you got 75 million shares right now available to a hedge fund that was short that can cover his option I hope people see this the smart money is in control and it ain't retail investors right now.
Rusty Shackleford 1 : Why don't you post your portfolio so we know your not a bot
R30R 10baggerbamm :
R30R : Dumb Money part 2 will be released on Netflix soon. Only this time with Retail money going to Institutions.
Rusty Shackleford 1 10baggerbamm : Just because they have the option to doesn't mean they will, also if they do the stock price will still go up when the shorts have to buy the shares back all at the exact same time
10baggerbamm Rusty Shackleford 1 : I don't think you get it if one institution is responsible for 80% of the shorts then they were the ones that bought this stock which limits their losses so they don't need to buy in the open market you don't get it they just bought stock from the company it's class a common stock it's free trading stock they own it they just covered their short that way they don't need to go into the open market the company deluded shareholders and eliminated a gamma squeeze it will never happen but the concept the idea that it was going to happen this time when short interest was nowhere is near what it was 3 years ago this puts the nail in the coffin it will not happen guaranteed because if this stock were to go to $100 the company would sell another $50 million or 100 million shares so they are completely aligned with institutional hedge funds right now the company is Ryan Cohen is he's basically fucking every retail investor right now by doing what he did
Rusty Shackleford 1 10baggerbamm : Didn't they just sell class a common stock for the share price? so why would it be different this time
10baggerbamm Rusty Shackleford 1 : it was sold at 46 last night. so let's suppose you were one or two or three or four hedge funds whoever it was that you were at risk you know you were down significantly because of the movement against you of your short position you know about his options you know the impact of what could happen with the massive buys that would take place at 4:00 today close for options to be exercised you buy this at 46 you've covered the ability to deliver stock you've covered your shorts and you've covered roaring kitties exercise of 12 million shares even though he doesn't have the money let's suppose he's got it somebody's backing him it's all been taken care of it's all mapped out so right now these hedge funds have limited all losses are preventing any squeeze in coordination with Ryan Cohen by offering stock so retail the little guy will get fucked at the end of the day I hope this pushes to 100 at noon cuz I'm buying puts I hope it goes to 150 at noon because I'm buying a lot of fucking puts