Foodie Investor : NO
心平气和的好韭菜 : Possibly next year.
HuiHuiCai OP 心平气和的好韭菜 : I bought PUT on December 28, 2026, don't worry, the bubble will always burst
法海生气了 HuiHuiCai OP : After buying PUT for 26 years, won't the split be affected for a few more days?
田品呂口 : Very likely
HuiHuiCai OP 法海生气了 : The fall last night has already been sold, but theoretically it won't have any effect
Foodie Investor : NO
心平气和的好韭菜 : Possibly next year.
HuiHuiCai OP 心平气和的好韭菜 : I bought PUT on December 28, 2026, don't worry, the bubble will always burst
法海生气了 HuiHuiCai OP : After buying PUT for 26 years, won't the split be affected for a few more days?
田品呂口 : Very likely
HuiHuiCai OP 法海生气了 : The fall last night has already been sold, but theoretically it won't have any effect