104723532 : Our K2 sales man doesn't know where to run, didn't show up today.
凯文1995 OP 104723532 : Ha ha
90’s : After tomorrow, this price will no longer be available.
105449251-momo 104723532 : Very busy
104723532 105449251-momo : Oops, I thought you abandoned us
105449251-momo 104723532 : Where will it be
104723532 : Our K2 sales man doesn't know where to run, didn't show up today.
凯文1995 OP 104723532 : Ha ha
90’s : After tomorrow, this price will no longer be available.
105449251-momo 104723532 : Very busy
104723532 105449251-momo : Oops, I thought you abandoned us
105449251-momo 104723532 : Where will it be