JonSnow : probably, cause people are greedy, but for some is a game, so below 30, just buy more
JC88 : No more bullets?
70108039 : don't underestimate the ape punny Kangaroo
MD0x OP : Posting this so tt the less greedy ppl get to save some bullets
J Bradley : Nice b8 mate
KHiC : won't, open market will hit 45 & raising
JonSnow : probably, cause people are greedy, but for some is a game, so below 30, just buy more
JC88 : No more bullets?
70108039 : don't underestimate the ape
punny Kangaroo 

MD0x OP : Posting this so tt the less greedy ppl get to save some bullets
J Bradley : Nice b8 mate
KHiC : won't, open market will hit 45 & raising