commented on a stock · Oct 20, 2024 02:13
$Gold Futures(APR5) (GCmain.US)$ compare the two charts. whi...
$Gold Futures(APR5) (GCmain.US)$compare the two charts. which is more stable? which one can you soundly sleep at night? which one looks like a storage of wealth? which one looks like a safer place to store your wealth? there's no comparison. it's not about getting rich it's about protecting your wealth.
if you get rich in the process that's a bonus. besides it's not actually everything like gold that's going up, it's the value or purchasing power you're losing in the currency
you see that real defined cup on the gold chart? now look at BTC chart with what bulls considered a cup. it's broken, deformed, you don't get a large spike up in the middle of the initial drop off.... broken
EZ_money OP : if you get rich in the process that's a bonus. besides it's not actually everything like gold that's going up, it's the value or purchasing power you're losing in the currency
EZ_money OP : you see that real defined cup on the gold chart? now look at BTC chart with what bulls considered a cup. it's broken, deformed, you don't get a large spike up in the middle of the initial drop off.... broken
72417250 : How do I invest? I’m new like super new… how do i guess put 1,000? like a mnth?