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Good time to build?

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  • 103464568 : just run there are many good stocks in the market intc is rubbish

  • 10baggerbamm : gelsinger is behind the eight ball he's been wrong pretty much since he's been running this ship into the rocks into icebergs they're so far behind right now from a technological evolution standpoint it's going to take them years to play catch up why do you want to bet on somebody who's been consistently wrong. if you have to bet on a turnaround bet on Elon Musk because he is not bound by anyone or anything if he can envision it he surrounds himself with people that will Dare to dream The impossible and make it happen they won't say no we can't they'll say yes we can we will. and I'm not saying by Tesla but I'm saying if you have to bet on a turnaround why the hell would you want to bet on a company that is a commodity company like Intel they sell an inferior chip they sell chips to the personal computer marketplace Tesla has SpaceX and if you want to understand the value of what SpaceX is going to generate in terms of revenue then read the CEO of the baron funds they are a huge investor in SpaceX in Elon Musk and you'll see the vision that exists within Tesla with SpaceX and the amount of money that that is going to generate by the time they're making money the Fab facilities in Intel may be operational. https://www.reuters.com/technology/billionaire-ron-baron-says-spacex-will-be-worth-about-500-bln-by-2030-2023-11-10/
