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Google in Court: When Deleting Chat History Goes Really Wrong

Alright, folks, gather 'round because it looks like Google’s having a *déjà vu* moment with the Justice Department. Yep, another antitrust case! I mean, at this point, Google’s probably got its own VIP parking spot at the courthouse.

So, what’s the drama this time? Well, Google is being accused of playing dirty in the digital ad world. You know, where ads follow you around like that one awkward high school acquaintance at a party. The Justice Department says Google’s got a monopoly grip tighter than that friend who owes you money but conveniently forgets every time you see them.

And this isn't your average courtroom showdown, no sir. Google’s out here saying, “We’re just really good at what we do,” while the government is like, “Nah, you’re basically the Monopoly guy with an internet connection.”

But let’s not get too emotional, people. Google's argument? They're just trying to survive in a world where TikTok is dancing all over everyone’s attention spans and Microsoft is coming in hot with AI. According to them, they’re practically under attack! It’s like Goliath trying to convince you he’s actually David. Nice try, Google.

Oh, and for a little *spicy drama,* turns out Google was deleting internal chats that might’ve helped the government’s case. That’s right, they pulled the ol’ “oops, our bad, we deleted the evidence” card. The judge wasn’t exactly thrilled, but Google's over here playing it cool, like, "Who, us? Destroying evidence? Never!"

So, there you have it, Google vs. The U.S. Government: Round 2. Stay tuned to see if the Justice Department finally figures out how to tame the search giant or if Google will continue its reign as the ultimate overlord of your browser tabs. Either way, the ads aren’t going anywhere!
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