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(00:01) [音楽]こんにちは。今日は、Gorilla Technology Groupの暫定CFOであるブルース・バウアーをお迎えしています。この企業はNASDAQで「GRRR」のティッカーシンボルで取引されています。ブルース、ようこそ。
ブルース: ありがとうございます。お招きいただき、光栄です。
クレイグ: CFOとして、Gorillaの成長と市場機会の拡大に向けた財務戦略をどのように調整していますか?
ブルース: はい、最も重要なことは、ビジネスを成長させるためにはキャッシュが必要だということです。したがって、優先事項としては、少なくとも1500万ドルの制限のない現金を確保し、これにより新しい契約を締結できるようにし、また新たな市場機会への投資も可能にしています。
クレイグ: 現金準備金は非常に大きいですね、4000万ドル以上だと伺いました。ブルース、成長戦略、革新、株主還元の間で資本配分をどのようにバランスを取っていますか?
ブルース: 基本的には、ビジネス開発のパイプラインを見ています。現在、このパイプラインは15億ドル以上あり、その中から短期的に勝ち取る可能性のある契約を見極め、どれだけの現金を契約達成のために確保しなければならないかを判断します。現金準備金は現在約4000万ドルで、その大部分は成長に割り当てられます。さらに600万ドルを株式買い戻しに、残りは将来の研究開発(R&D)に投資します。この方針は今後も続けていきます。
クレイグ: また、かなりの契約資産と財務資産を持っているとお聞きしました。それらをどのように管理し、運営や戦略目標をサポートしているのでしょうか?
ブルース: 契約資産は、いわゆる未請求の収益を意味します。これは、契約の進捗に応じて収益を認識し、その結果として未請求の収益として計上されます。私たちが目指しているのは、契約のマイルストーンが達成され次第、できるだけ早く請求を行い、その未請求収益を現金に変えることです。財務資産のほとんどは顧客に対する保証金として投資されており、新たな契約に向けての保証金の投入が進んでいます。
クレイグ: 2024年末から2025年初めにかけて、Gorillaの粗利率や営業利益の改善が顕著に見られますが、これらの成果をどのように維持・拡大していくつもりですか?
ブルース: 営業利益に関しては、業務を倍増させるために必要なインフラが整っているので、営業レバレッジが効いてきている段階です。今後の鍵は、新しい契約を獲得し、粗利率を向上させることです。粗利率に関しては、契約ごとの金融規律をしっかり守り、市場価格に見合った料金設定を行っています。また、ソフトウェアにシフトするなどして、製品ポートフォリオを改善し、粗利率を維持・拡大していく方針です。
クレイグ: 6百万ドルの株式買い戻しプログラムについてですが、これはGorillaの評価に対する自信を示すものといえます。将来の成長投資とのバランスをどのように取っていますか?
ブルース: 9月には、制限のない自由な現金が最大で4000万ドルありました。私たちは、そのすべてを新規事業のために必要とは判断せず、また株価が過小評価されていると考え、株式を新たに発行するのではなく、むしろ買い戻しを行うことを選びました。これは、株価が低いことに自信を持ち、その価値を市場に示すためです。将来的にも株価が低いと判断した場合、そしてそれが事業の成長に影響を与えないときに、株主還元を行います。
クレイグ: 現金流を最適化するために、スケーリングや革新を維持しつつ、現在取り組んでいる主要な施策は何ですか?
ブルース: 現存の契約と新規契約の管理が重要です。既存契約については、できるだけ早く未請求の収益を請求し、受取債権を回収することが求められます。また、支払いや前払金の管理を行い、できるだけ多くの浮動資金を確保します。新規契約については、投資タイミングを最適化し、現金流出を最小限に抑えることを目指しています。例えば、現金保証の代わりにシャイボンド(保証金の一種)を使用することで、P&Lには少し影響がありますが、大きな現金節約になります。
クレイグ: 最後に、今回のインタビューでたくさんの財務指標をお話しいただきましたが、投資家がGorillaの進捗と将来性を理解するために最も重要な指標は何だと思いますか?
ブルース: どの成長中のテクノロジー企業でもモニターすべき指標は、成長メトリクス、粗利率、営業利益率です。そして、私たちが特に注視しているのはキャッシュフローであり、これにはフリーキャッシュフローと営業キャッシュフローの両方が含まれます。2025年には、一部の保証金がクライアントにリリースされることにより、営業キャッシュフローの変換率が100%を超えると予測しています。これは、ビジネスが非常にキャッシュを生み出していることを意味します。
クレイグ: 非常に魅力的ですね。ブルース、今日は全て説明していただきありがとうございました。
ブルース: こちらこそ、ありがとうございました。いつでもGorillaについてお話しできることを楽しみにしています。
(00:01) [Music] hello today we have Bruce Bower the interm Chief Financial Officer of gorilla Technology Group trading on the NASDAQ under the ticker grrr Bruce welcome thank you Craig pleasure to be here as CFO Bruce how do you approach aligning gorilla's Financial strategy with its rapid growth and involving Market opportunities yes so the most important thing is that we need cash in order to grow the business so the priority has been to keep a a large cash buffer so a minimum of 15 million of unrestricted cash that allows us to take
(00:46) on new contracts and then it also allows us to have exess uh to invest in New Market opportunities you know so exploring uh sales Marketing in new areas and also spending on Innovation that cash Reserve is quite large more than $40 million Bruce what is your strategy for balancing Capital allocation between growth initiatives Innovation and shareholder returns yeah so uh we look at basically the business development pipeline uh right now it's over1 and a half billion dollars and we judge from that what we think are
(01:21) near-term potential wins and basically how much cash you would have to set aside in order to win those contracts and deliver on them um when when we have $40 million in cash reserves it it's a little bit lower today but about high 30s um what we're thinking is that most of that will be allocated towards growth and then uh we have six $6 million buyback allocated and then the rest we're going to put into R&D in the future we'll keep the same discipline where the vast majority of it will go into growth anything
(01:55) excess will go first to Innovation to R&D to keep the product portfolio growing and then you know as as in when we'll allocate it to shareholder inss Bruce you also have substantial contract assets and financial Assets Now how do you manage those to support your operational and strategic goals yeah um just to Define them contract assets really mean unbuild revenue and we're going to report them as such in the future uh basically we perform work we recognize the revenue as we perform it it goes into contract assets what we're trying to do is really
(02:31) to Bill as fast as possible as soon as the milestones in our contracts permit us to Bill uh that starts the the cycle where that contract asset gets converted into cash in terms of the financial assets the the vast majority of those financial assets have been and will continue to be guarantees in front of our customers so you know the financial assets number will expand over time as we invest in new guarantees you know towards new contracts TRS um on the other hand we like to keep it uh we like to smooth it and and manage it down
(03:06) where possible because that releases cash that goes into the business uh and that's actually the cycle we're in right now at the end of 2024 beginning 2025 Guerilla improvements Bruce in gross margin and operating profit are noticeable how are you working to sustain and build on these achievements as you scale so in terms of operating profit uh we're really seeing the operating leverage kick in where we have the infrastructure necessary to Ser us double the the business that we're doing now so the key becomes really winning
(03:39) new contracts and then getting the gross margin up in terms of the gross margin we we have a lot of financial discipline that we're now um putting or or reasserting into the contracts that we look at and that we win so that includes you know a revised rate card to make sure uh that we're charging Market rates a ized uh Contracting approach where we have certain Targets in terms of Revenue size you know gross margin etc etc that we expect to see out of contracts uh and together along with an improved product
(04:14) mix you know shifting towards software they should keep our gross margins expanding I want to turn now to that share buyback program Brew $6 million share buyback program undeniably reflecting confidence in Guerilla valuation how do you balance these initiatives with investments in future growth yes so in September we we had up to $40 million of free cash unrestricted cash and we judged that we didn't need all of that in order to serveice new business we also thought that the the share price was quite undervalued and we
(04:53) wanted to send a message to the market that we weren't issuing new shares rather we would prefer to buy them back so that reflects confidence in the valuation being low and and our our prospects um but basically when we judge that the share price is low and also that it doesn't in any way compromise future growth in the business that's when we allocated and that's when we will allocate in the future money to to return to shareholders give us some of the key initiatives you've got going right now to optimize cash flow while maintaining
(05:27) that focus on scaling and of course innovation it comes down to the the discipline for how we manage existing contracts and new contracts so for existing contracts it means billing as soon as we can uh those contract assets or unbuild Revenue to turn that into into build revenue and then collecting on the receivables it also means managing our payables um our prepayments and our payables on those contracts you know so that we get as much float as possible for new contracts we're really looking at two things one
(05:59) is the timing of investment from our side so obviously if we can minimize or or delay the cash going out from our side and then also when we expect customers to to pay us the other thing is that we're looking at at new initiatives basically to minimize the cash that goes out to service new contracts one is for instance using shy bonds instead of cash guarantees it costs a little bit more on the p&l but it saves a tremendous amount of cash okay Bruce we have covered a lot of financial metrics in this interview in
(06:34) your opinion what are the most important indicators that investors should be monitoring to understand gorilla's progress and potential yes so so the ones that you would monitor in in any growing technology business so it would be the the growth metrics and it would also be uh the gross margin and the operating margin or the E margin the last one that we pay a lot of attention to is cash flow and can be both free cash flow and then uh operating cash flow as a percentage of evaa in 2025 um we expect due to the release of
(07:09) some guarantees to our end clients that our Eva to free cash or to operating cash FL conversion will be greater than 100% um and that's the kind of that that means that the business is growing in a very cash generative fashion so that's that's what we like to focus on sounds compelling Bruce thanks for explaining everything to us today thanks for having me it's been a pleasure and uh yeah happy to talk about gorilla anytime
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