Until around June last year, the CEO himself was also in Discord. He was saying around the time he was leaving. I remember the impression of him saying "I promise it will go up to a Market Cap of 5 billion dollars in a few years" and "It seems like we can add about 0.4 billion dollars more to the pipeline", more than other people's comments.
めいちゃんの羊 : What kind of person is the CEO?
雰囲気投資家 OP めいちゃんの羊 : He is a strange person with long hair.
The leather jacket is not coming.
3a4ゴリラ(25350Plus : Until around June last year, the CEO himself was also in Discord.
He was saying around the time he was leaving.
I remember the impression of him saying "I promise it will go up to a Market Cap of 5 billion dollars in a few years" and "It seems like we can add about 0.4 billion dollars more to the pipeline", more than other people's comments.
雰囲気投資家 OP 3a4ゴリラ(25350Plus : Is that person not here anymore?
I was lacking in studying.