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$GRANITESHARES 2X LONG AMD DAILY ETF (AMDL.US)$ if you want to own a chip stock you want to take advantage of artificial intelligence but you're uncertain do you want to buy Nvidia prior to earnings because of what Jensen May reveal a possible delay in Blackwell and lower earnings guidance for 1 -2 quarters.. I bring you AMD.
it's always been second tier in the eyes of Wall Street even though their chips historically have outperformed their competitors it's never viewed as the premier chip company it's like the red-headed stepchild it's like the kid in elementary school that never gets picked first second third it's always dead last but somehow always comes out with a win when it matters.
I like leverage it actually falls in line with what Warren Buffett says about diversification and if you read about it he says he doesn't believe in diversification because that means you really don't know what you're buying and you don't have much confidence in it so you're lowering your returns by spreading things out. that's the gist you can go back and get his direct quote if you're interested.
AMD beat the Street AMD raised guidance AMD traded up on that news and then was slammed as a result that it's never gets any respect because it didn't Gap up $30-40 people were disappointed and used it as a source of funds to chase other areas within the AI space or small cap space if you believe that rally will ensue when rates are cut.
I look at it this way Intel's a piece of shit now and for decades AMD was always second fiddle to Intel you go to buy computer you want an Intel Pentium chip not amd's chip even though AMD specs out Superior it's always viewed as an inferior company compared to what intel was well now Intel is dog shit and has been for several years and there's a lot of new circulating around that Hewlett-Packard and Dell May transfer a significant amount of their PC related business directly to AMD. this is not even factored into the price earnings estimates if this happens if it doesn't happen it's irrelevant but if it does it adds to their upside. we all know AI is the future and Nvidia will lead the way but a rising tide lifts All ships and AMD has been crucified!
this lever etf since July 11th is down 50%.. what does that mean it means if you bought it over 20 right now well you're fucked. because you need to see 100% return to break even.
flip the coin I look at it as an opportunity to make serious amounts of money for not a lot of risk.
I think the lows were put in on Monday I believe we will have retracement in the market there will be profit taking and I believe this basket which is around $10.80 could retest 10 again could go 9.80,9.90 but I don't believe we're going to see Monday's lows.
so if you buy it under 11 bucks and it falls to $10 yeah it sucks cuz if you buy 5,000 shares and it's down a point you're down 5,000 bucks on paper however that's your risk what is your upside reward well there's what's called reversion to the mean.
and I believe an average return on this basket would put it just shy of $17 right around $16.80
so that gives you almost 70% upside for 10% downside.. that's a pretty tasty risk reward.
and we all know what happens when the tide is rising in technology stocks all of these idiots on TV these bobbleheads will be pounding the table AI is alive and well and you need to buy it it's the future it's early ending the game's going to be long it's evolutionary it's transitory this is the greatest movement ever taking place I can go on and on everybody knows the story.
and what that means is the momentum comes in and will take this basket from high 16 low 17s back into the twenties again which means we now have almost 100% upside.
I believe you can buy it in here you got a dollar downside you have the reversion to the mean upside in the next 6 to 12 months and if momentum takes over again and I believe it will until the low 20s.
$GRANITESHARES 2X LONG AMD DAILY ETF (AMDL.US)$ if you want to own a chip stock you want to take advantage of artificial intelligence but you're uncertain do yo...
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