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$GraniteShares 2x Long COIN Daily ETF (CONL.US)$ there's so ...

$GraniteShares 2x Long COIN Daily ETF (CONL.US)$ there's so much upside here.. early July and I know the market was different everything was at all time highs are pretty close Bitcoin was at 70,000.. you look at where this has the ability to rally to it's over $60 it's an excess of 300% gain with a $12,000 movement from Bitcoin.
to put this in perspective a lot of people own chip stocks I do and I have the leverage etf. soxl, it was just over $70 at its peak it fell to 23 it's back to 32 right now so if everything were to return to its highs we've got 120% potential here and I think it will happen but I don't think it's going to happen till best case end of first quarter beginning of second quarter next year after Blackwell results are released from Nvidia.
if you can stomach risk and you need to be able to take bad days because of Bitcoin goes to 56 or 55 this is going to go back down to 16 15. but if you can take that risk and I touched on this the other day then the risk reward here is enormous.
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