Leek King : agree... wonder where the money gone..
roland 5298 Leek King : Build a factory
104182877 : Can’t agree more. Promise to the sky and moon before listing. Management doing private placement everywhere and taking tons of money. All the private placement shareholder get not a single shares.
roland 5298 104182877 : Didn't get a share?
104182877 : Not a single share
roland 5298 104182877 : Won't investors like that be reported to the police?
104182877 roland 5298 : There are already article saying the company defraud investor . You can find on the news section.
roland 5298 104182877 : Did not see
104182877 roland 5298 : This
roland 5298 104182877 : 最好退市
Leek King : agree... wonder where the money gone..
roland 5298 Leek King : Build a factory
104182877 : Can’t agree more. Promise to the sky and moon before listing. Management doing private placement everywhere and taking tons of money. All the private placement shareholder get not a single shares.
roland 5298 104182877 : Didn't get a share?
104182877 : Not a single share
roland 5298 104182877 : Won't investors like that be reported to the police?
104182877 roland 5298 : There are already article saying the company defraud investor . You can find on the news section.
roland 5298 104182877 : Did not see
104182877 roland 5298 : This
roland 5298 104182877 : 最好退市