Travelforfreedom : How much good news also can’t recover. Very good. Using our funds for that
Aaronkl : till the day it raised back to post consol price ...otherwise it is just garbage
Keol90 Travelforfreedom : try buy some during low and sell when got profit. and repeat... but indeed goods news can't recover much.
103723015 Keol90 : But no one knows exactly how much this bottom is
adrian2188 Keol90 : 0.30
Travelforfreedom : How much good news also can’t recover. Very good. Using our funds for that

Aaronkl : till the day it raised back to post consol price ...otherwise it is just garbage
Keol90 Travelforfreedom : try buy some during low and sell when got profit. and repeat... but indeed goods news can't recover much.
103723015 Keol90 : But no one knows exactly how much this bottom is
adrian2188 Keol90 : 0.30