105241489 : Yes
Lejonbrames : It’s coming !
105241489 : Yes come up up
thanant : let see what's going to happen next 3 days
104294857 thanant : if up to 1 will be today wont tomorrow if drop then thats mean byebye
101569509 OP : nice move
101569509 OP : need coming back 1$
105241489 : Nice move
105241489 : Yes
Lejonbrames : It’s coming !
105241489 : Yes come up up
thanant : let see what's going to happen next 3 days
104294857 thanant : if up to 1 will be today wont tomorrow
if drop then thats mean byebye
101569509 OP : nice move
101569509 OP : need coming back 1$
105241489 : Nice move