[Stephen's Full Bio]
Stephen "Sarge" Guilfoyle is the founder and President of Sarge986 LLC, a family-run trading operation. An NYSE floor trader for over 30 years, Guilfoyle has served as the Chief Market Economist for Stuart Frankel & Co., the U.S. Economist for Meridian Equity Partners, and as a Vice President in Block Trading and Investment Banking with Credit Suisse over the years. Guilfoyle earned his nickname "Sarge" while serving as an actual sergeant in reserve components of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army while simultaneously working on Wall Street. He self-identifies as a day trader, long-term investor, and anything. He believes in removing emotion from the decision-making process and trusting the data. Follow Stephen "Sarge" Guilfoyle on the moomoo community for a mix of fundamentals, technical analysis, economic commentary, and trading ideas.
mr_cashcow : Hello, for value investing on undervalued stocks how should we approach when the market seems like a “falling knife”?
102362254 : Question 1 - What role does timing play in growth versus value investing decisions, especially in volatile markets?
Wonder : What are your views on:
Dadacai : Hi Sarge, given both approaches have pros and cons, how should one decide on the weightage of value and growth stocks in one’s portfolio?
ZnWC : Thanks Sarge for your live sharing
yoongmy : How can we achieve success by combining the approaches of Growth Investing, represented by Catherine Wood, and Value Investing, represented by Warren Buffett?
HYGWE : How do we know when to stop chasing a growth stock and value stock? it's easy to get carried away in both investment
BelleWeather : When trading options contracts on ‘value’ vs ‘growth’ tickers, since big earnings pops aren’t as common, which strategies are favorable?
BH_6730 : Good morning,
LL_9542 : Hi there,
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