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Santa Claus rally kicks off? S&P 500 marches toward best quarter since 2020
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Guess the price: What's the closing price of S&P 500 for 2023?

Guess the price: What's the closing price of S&P 500 for 2023?
2023 was a year of uncertainty and adjustments for the US stock market, as investors navigated a complex landscape of economic and monetary policy changes. While the year saw periods of both optimism and pessimism, the overarching narrative remains focused on the Fed's actions and their impact on the broader economy.
To evaluate US stock market performance, let's review the $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$'s progress this year:
Guess the price: What's the closing price of S&P 500 for 2023?
*Images provided are not current, and any securities are shown for illustrative purposes only.
*S&P 500 index focuses on the large-cap companies with over 80% coverage of US equities. The index primarily includes companies from financial, healthcare, consumer discretionary, industrials, consumer staples, and energy sectors. Source: moomoo, 2023 S&P Dow Jones Indices
Before we ring in the New Year, let's take a moment to guess the year-end closing price of the S&P 500 for 2023. Will it be a surge or a slump?
An equal share of 10,000 points: For mooers who correctly guess the price range of $S&P 500 Index(.SPX.US)$'s closing price at 16:00 PM ET Dec 29 (If 50 mooers make a correct guess, each of them will get 200 points.)
100 points: What's your market outlook for 2024? What would be your investment strategy for the new year? Leave a comment, and receive a 100-point reward for comments over 15 words!
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2. Rewards can be used to exchange gifts at the Rewards Club (moomoo app > Me > Redeem Points).
Event time:
Voting will close on Dec 28, 03:59 PM ET/Dec 29, 04:59 AM SGT/07:59 AM AEST.
You can still comment below to win 100 points until Jan 3, 2023, 11:59 PM ET.
This presentation is for informational and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. See this link for more information.
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • mr_cashcow : Optimistic market outlook for 2024 with the signals for pausing interest rates & possibly a gradual drop in rates in later half of 2024 I am feeling positive about S&P500 performances[undefined]

  • stevenlsf1 : I expect the s&p 500 will be range bounding in 2024 with slightly more downward possibility

  • Shuseido : Market Outlook for 2024:
    I think market will continue the run higher for 2024 barring black swan event. With the projection of inflation trending downward and FED to cut interest in second half of 2024.
    Invest safe guys!

  • Wonder : Positive outlook for 2024 if fed rate hikes continued to be paused n the drop in rates materialized, barring unforseen circumstances.
    S&P ETF,  promising tech stocks and possibly healthcare will be the way to go for me personally.

  • Cloud D Investor : It is time to buy into Hang Seng index in the year of 2024 as it is wise to buy the index when it crashed in 2023.

  • 自律和觉醒 : over valuation.  market will correct itself soon..

  • 小鬼仔 : It's Time to Buy S&P 500 in 2024

  • ZnWC : Closing price of S&P 500 index: Above 4,800

    Market outlook for 2024:
    Bullish due to the followings:
    1) Inflation colling down
    2) Fed hinted rate cut - most likely pivot in Q2
    3) Ease in geopolitical tension particularly in US-China relation

    Investment strategy:
    I see upward trending in stocks related to artificial intelligence will continue to rally especially microchips (may be nanochip). If there's any breakthrough in AGI (General Intelligence), it will bring catalysts to S&P 500 and beyond. My strategy is to build a stocks portfolio based on trending, hold stocks with growth potentials and trade options with calculated risk.

    I'll also invest prudently (dyodd) using the following:
    1) Reflect investment plan by regularly writing journals.
    2) Use papertrade to test new strategies
    3) Learn to use new investment features and tools (and weary their limitations)
    4) Read financial and company's earning reports with a critical mindsets

  • FirstStrike Veteran : I am expecting that small and mid cap companies to play catch up to the big tech companies throughout the year. My reasoning is due to how well the FED has been able to bring inflation down. The inly thing I believe holding us to a spft landing is if the Fed keeps rates too high for too long. I also expect there to be more M&A and IPOs to happen in 24 as well.

  • quekky : 2023 was fast and furious, 2024 could be a slow year, esp when many analysis is expecting that. I shall just continue with cash funds and T-Bills instead of going all-into stocks

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