Not really, got 2 examples recently. Stock WISA did a split but the price can see increase with more new buyers and maybe shorts covering their positions. However, for stock SBFM you can see the price continues to drop after the split. Both these stocks did a split with different results. As for smfl I'm not sure but i closed my position because its just a small amount of loss.
shungokusatsu : does reverse split always mean price drop? what percentage of time does it rise?
M0neyM0ngerz OP : Not really, got 2 examples recently. Stock WISA did a split but the price can see increase with more new buyers and maybe shorts covering their positions. However, for stock SBFM you can see the price continues to drop after the split. Both these stocks did a split with different results. As for smfl I'm not sure but i closed my position because its just a small amount of loss.