Foodie Investor
Ok so the promotion only applies to the first cashplus subscribed? If I had already subscribed to Fullerton SGD cash, that means the SGD Liquidity Fund will no longer be eligible for the 5.8% promo?
Foodie Investor
If $Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ was the first fund subscribed after entering the event page and meeting the deposit tier, then that is the fund selected for the promotion. You will see the name of the fund shown when you enter the event page again. Existing subscriptions in that fund (before you registered for the promotion) will also earn 5.8%pa up to a maximum of S$80,000 in total holdings. If $Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ is the first fund subscribed after entering the event page and meeting the deposit tier, only the holdings in the liquidity fund will earn 5.8%pa.
Foodie Investor : Hello Moomoo, is Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund also eligible for the 5.8% guaranteed promo return?
Dadacai Foodie Investor : There are now three Cash Plus funds, of which Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund is one. If you haven’t participated in the Invest Smarter Existing User Exclusive Promotion - November 2023 to January 2024-moomoo Help Center promotion yet, you can choose this fund as the first fund to subscribe. Make sure you don’t have SmartSave activated for the other Cash Plus funds or those may become the first fund subscribed.
Foodie Investor : Ok so the promotion only applies to the first cashplus subscribed? If I had already subscribed to Fullerton SGD cash, that means the SGD Liquidity Fund will no longer be eligible for the 5.8% promo?
Dadacai Foodie Investor : If $Fullerton SGD Cash Fund (SG9999005961.MF)$ was the first fund subscribed after entering the event page and meeting the deposit tier, then that is the fund selected for the promotion. You will see the name of the fund shown when you enter the event page again. Existing subscriptions in that fund (before you registered for the promotion) will also earn 5.8%pa up to a maximum of S$80,000 in total holdings. If $Fullerton Fund - Fullerton SGD Liquidity Fund (SGXZ40088619.MF)$ is the first fund subscribed after entering the event page and meeting the deposit tier, only the holdings in the liquidity fund will earn 5.8%pa.