SunSang : Let’s see
赚多多钱 : Helicopter crash now run for your life
股利股怪 OP SunSang : Standard, start red end red, start green end red.
Hit and Run : keeps repeating the cycle. top the assist chart to the shorts..
103540795 : Gongxi gongxi
股利股怪 OP : All the way!! Down hopeless
股利股怪 OP SunSang : See?
SunSang : Let’s see
赚多多钱 : Helicopter crash now run for your life
股利股怪 OP SunSang : Standard, start red end red, start green end red.
Hit and Run : keeps repeating the cycle. top the assist chart to the shorts..
103540795 : Gongxi gongxi
股利股怪 OP : All the way!! Down hopeless
股利股怪 OP SunSang : See?