love moomoo for their fund report page. go inside your account, select yr fund. they just added a calendar view. otherwise Yr can select 'revenue details' to see Yr daily earnings.
see the currency indicated. yes in moomoo u need to hv the currency exchange first for fund n bonds. stocks u can use margin and exchange to pay end of day.
I Am 102927471 :
103794550 : how to see how much actually overall profit?
010Leo OP 103794550 : love moomoo for their fund report page.
go inside your account, select yr fund.
they just added a calendar view.
otherwise Yr can select 'revenue details' to see Yr daily earnings.
103794550 : any charges for US bond? need convert to usd?
010Leo OP 103794550 : see the currency indicated. yes in moomoo u need to hv the currency exchange first for fund n bonds. stocks u can use margin and exchange to pay end of day.