70628050 : probably the fullfillment of these opening is very low
Irishstar : Energy up Inflation up
Tyler0710 70628050 : Your explanation is tantamount to not saying it. The completion rate is probably very low every time. Maybe the statistician made a mistake in statistics
mozzie88 : Bro, any idea the support line for BAC? thanks in advance.
Cow Moo-ney OP mozzie88 : Support just got broken actually. The next one around 25. Stronger support at 22
韭菜操盘手 Irishstar : It's time to prepare to cut interest rates. Currently, the Bank of America cannot hold up if it is raising interest rates
70628050 : probably the fullfillment of these opening is very low
Irishstar : Energy up Inflation up
Tyler0710 70628050 : Your explanation is tantamount to not saying it. The completion rate is probably very low every time. Maybe the statistician made a mistake in statistics
mozzie88 : Bro, any idea the support line for BAC? thanks in advance.
Cow Moo-ney OP mozzie88 : Support just got broken actually. The next one around 25. Stronger support at 22
韭菜操盘手 Irishstar : It's time to prepare to cut interest rates. Currently, the Bank of America cannot hold up if it is raising interest rates